Frequently Asked Questions
The basic mission of FPS Food and Nutrition Services is to meet the nutritional needs of students enrolled in Fayetteville Public Schools.
How do I apply for free or reduced-price meals for my child?
Meal applications are available online HERE! You may apply at any time. If you would prefer to complete a paper application, contact your school's office or the Child Nutrition Department (479) 684-5091 for a paper copy. Parents are responsible for meal costs until the application is processed.
I have children in more than one school in Fayetteville. Do I need to complete a separate application for each child?
No, please complete only one application per household. Applications are processed in our central office and each school’s cafeteria is notified of the correct status for your children. An approval/denial letter will be sent home with your child. Parents are responsible for meal costs until the application is processed.
If my child is approved for free or reduced-price lunches, may he/she also get breakfast?
Yes. If your child is approved for free or reduced-priced meals, they are entitled to one breakfast tray and one lunch tray each day.
Are A la Carte items included in the free and reduced program?
A limited number of A la Carte items may be offered on the secondary level. They are not a part of the “Meal Deal” and must be purchased separately at full price. Free/Reduced benefits do not apply to A la Carte purchases. All students must pay full price if they choose to purchase items A la Carte.
If my child is approved for free meals, may he/she get free milk to go with a sack lunch brought from home?
Students eligible for free and reduced-price meals may take the entire qualifying meal, which always includes milk. 'Milk Only' or 'Additional Milks' must be purchased for 50 cents.
May my child take a second tray?
Students may get one breakfast tray and one lunch tray per day at the student price, reduced price, or free depending on their meal status. Students may take a second breakfast or lunch, however, additional meals are not federally reimbursable and must be purchased at the adult price.
What is the best way to pay for school meals?
All meals must be paid for in advance or on the day of purchase. The cafeterias use a computerized accounting system to maintain student accounts. You may put any amount into your student’s account at any time. The proper amount will be deducted each time your child uses the account. If you pay by check, please write your child's name and teacher or Meal Account Number in the memo. We accept payments by cash or check in the cafeterias. We do have an Online Cafeteria Payment option available.
Click here for more information
What is my child’s Meal Account Number?
All students are assigned a nine-digit student ID number that starts with 7203. Students will use the last five digits of their student ID # in order to access their lunch account. In the rare instance, there is a duplicate, their number will be advanced to the next available number. Meal Account Numbers are assigned at the beginning of the school year and a student will have the same Meal Account Number for the entire school year. This five-digit number will be entered on a pin pad (keypad) to help with speed and accuracy. PLEASE remind students to say his/her name for the cashier so they can make sure the right account is charged. If there is a question about Meal Account Numbers, contact your Cafeteria Manager.
What time is breakfast served? What time is lunch served?
Since starting times for Fayetteville Schools are staggered, you will need to check with your school office for actual meal times.
May I eat with my child at school?
Yes! We encourage parents to join their children for breakfast or lunch whenever possible. Please notify the school office in advance so they will have an accurate count for the cafeteria.
What items served in the cafeteria contain nut products?
Contact the Child Nutrition Department if you need more information (479) 684-5091.
What items served in the cafeteria contain pork?
Items we are aware of at this time: Pizza Breakfast Bagel, Breakfast Pizza, Breakfast Sausage, Pancake & Sausage on a Stick, Hot Dogs, Sausage Mozzarella Pizza, Country Fried Steak, Pork Roast, BBQ Pork. Contact the Child Nutrition Department if you need more information (479) 684-5091.
My child is a vegetarian. What meal options are available for him/her?
To find out what vegetarian choices are available, contact your school’s Cafeteria Manager.
What are some recommended nutritional websites?